
Here you can find a timeline of the things I do in my life. I will try to keep it updated and ordered as much as possible. (non exhaustive list)


Built a video dating app

Built callmemaybe.xyz during valentines to farm engagement on X 🤣 50k+ impressions on X (twitter), #25 daily rank on producthunt, 1k+ signups


Started weeblabs

weeblabs.com ;)


Published first iOS app

Recently shifted to iPhone and noticed there was a lack of good image editor apps on the App Store compared to when I was using Android. Built and published my own Image Editor over the weekend B) Check it out on App Store


Won bounties in ETHIndia '24

Built Hack-A-Dome - An On-Chain Gamified Space to Quest, Collaborate, and Thrive in a Virtual ETHIndia Venue. Won 1 bounty and 2 pools from Coinbase.


Judge at Arweave FullStackHack

Judged 40+ builds at the Arweave Full Stack Hack, a hackathon to build permaweb apps, organised by Longview Labs



Started working as an Entrepreneur in Residence with Forward Research to continue developing developer tools for the arweave ecosystem 🥳


Weavers Raid III

Built a Vercel like deployment platform for permaweb apps. Won third place


ArweaveIndia Demo Day

Demoed BetterIDEa and clickoor


Community Manager @ ArweaveIndia

Helping out the community Managing the Arweave India Discord server Organising cool events Make coold builds


Launched Clickoor Camera ⓐ!

A point and shoot camera, powered by the Arweave Blockchain, that has an infinite and permanent storage for your valuable photos


UPES, Dehradun: Hackathon 8.0

Built an AI enabled web browser for detecting sus activities on websites. One of the top 5 projects


AO testnet Launch - 27th Feb, 2024!

Launched BetterIDEa


Arweave India Launchpad program!

Three month program Building BetterIDEa as a product


Met Sam Williams IRL at Bangalore!

AO reveal to India hackers


Won the Arweave ⓐ Hackerhouse at Bangalore

Built a web based IDE for Arweave Smartweave contracts Arweave Cohort 1 Amazing People, Amazing Experience Long term friends made


Runner up in Crewsphere College level ICP hackathon!

Built ICPixel


Got selected as an Arweave Scholar!

Built GitAR: A bounty platform for Arweave projects Fully sponsored trip to Arweave India Hackerhouse in Bangalore from 3rd to 6th December (Kya matlab exams shuru ho rahe hai 1st December se 😭)


Participated in E-Suraksha hackathon at CU

Really bad experience, organisers were not fun, they took away my airplane :(


ETH Global 2023!

Won Tableland Prize Pool 🏆️ Build GitRaven with Tableland database


Participated in a 3 day workshop on Internet Computer Protocol

Learnt Motoko Deployed ICPixel on the mainnet


Participated in Polkadot Ink Hackathon by Encode Club

Built a Polkadot based game item marketplace Didn’t win anything but atleast it was a good experience, did pitch practice and pitched in front of Judges


Placed second in Hack-O-Octo!

The hackathon that changed the direction of my life Built GitRaven


Started weebletstore.in

Anime merch store


Got invited to IIT Guwahati IEEE GCON Conference!

Participated in Vegathon finals at GCON Won first prize 💪 Great experience


Got shortlisted into top 6 teams to the POC stage of Vegathon

Started intense development of our Indigenous Flight Controller Sleep is for the weak?


Accpeted for CDACs GCON Vegathon

Got the opportunity to work with VEGA Microcontrollers CDAC provided us with a VEGA Aries V2 board for the Hackathon


Qualified for Level 2 of Gujarat Robofest

Our underwater drone proposal got accepted Got ₹50k funding from Gujarat Govt. to build a Proof Of Concept


Visited IIT Roorkee during Cognizance (Their TechFest)!

Participated in Blockathon Developed BBIP - Blockchain Based Identification Protocol Participated in Intel OneAPI workshop + hackathon Won 1st prize in the OneAPI Hackathon 🥇 Got ₹12k worth amazon gift card as the prize


Participated in HackNSUT '23

Built an attendance NFT reward system 5irechain Madhur Virli Standup :O Teamed up with online friends for offline hackathon


First hackathon win of the year - SheBuilds!

Used Rust for the first time, loved it 😳 Built Smart Contracts on Concordium Blockchain Concordium track runnerup 🥈


Attended my first DevFest

By GDG Ludhiana (it was their first time organising DevFest too)


Won Support-a-thon hackathon on Devpost!

Won ‘Best use of cockroachDB’ track


Won the Neighbourhood Hacks 2 Hackathon!

Won best use of DeSo Won most creative use of DeSo


Won WeMakeDevs <> Stream hackathon on Devpost!

Built a game with Unity Won ‘Best educational game’ track Got a one on one session with Kunal Kushwaha 🤩


Got an Internship at PhysicsWallah!

😳 Tech Intern lessgooooo


2nd in Hash-It-Out Coding Competition!

Organised by CSI


Joined Hackoverflow Society

As a core Tech Team Coordinator Why are they not paying me for this? :thinking: Exploring college and anything and everything :hmmmmmmmm:


Participated in IC-Hack 2022 Hackathon

First real offline hackathon Organised by IEEE India Council At BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore Secured top 5 position in Education Track ✊


Started College

At Chandigarh University Majoring in Computer Science and Engineering


Graduated High School [12th Standard]



Participated in TezAsia Hackathon

Learnt about SmartPy and Tezos smart contracts Developed an on-chain blogging webapp


Participated in the GMTK Game Jam 2022

Theme: ‘Roll of a dice’ Ranked 1.6k out of 6.1k+ submissions


Developed Better PW

Lightweight alt client for the Physics Wallah education platform


Started developing Desonity

A Unity3D extension that allows developers to integrate the DeSo Blockchain into Unity games


Built a prototype of buying in-game items as NFTs

Using Unity 3D game engine and DeSo Blockchain A marketplace could be setup without explicitly needing a backend server to handle in-game purchases as the same could be done through the Blockchain network


Started building Cordify

Tool to bridge the gap between web2 (twitter, reddit, etc) platforms with web3 DeSo platform Started out as a Discord bot that added features of the blockchain into Discord servers, and now is a full fledged application integrating Discord, Twitter and more platforms with DeSo Made first $1000. Thank you Aditya ;)


Built Animedoro Timer

Timer app built in Vanilla HTML, CSS and Javascript


Started Discord Bot Development

Discord.py Did a lot of bot development for fun Did couple of paid gigs too


Started learning Python

print(‘Hello World!’)


Graduated Middle School [10th Standard]



First freelance gig

Built an AR application that would scan different birds in childrens picture books and play bird sounds


Developed a VR game - Cheap Saber

Clone of Beat Saber, playable on android VR devices Utilises Augument Reality marker based tracking to move virtual sabers


Participated in a VXR hackathon by VRocKS

Developed a VR story telling demo for Android VR devices


Built a Human following Arduino Car

Shortly after the TinkerFest Competition, I built this car that will detect any human through a phones camera and follow them Learnt about OpenCV Felt good because it worked (unlike the one from tinkerfest 🤭)


Participated in Tinker Fest Robotics Competition

Built an autonomous, trash seggrating robot car using LEGO as the body frame and Arduino + Android Mobile as the Brain 🧠 Although our bot did not function as ecpected, we learnt a lot and had fun


Started learning Game Dev

Debug.Log(“Published some games on Play Store and got banned afterwards 🤡”)


Built a model version of a Light Interferometer

Using a Microscope slide, 2 pieces of mirrors (that I broke in half), a cheap lazer pointer and a lens I salvaged from another lazer pointer Similar arrangement like the LIGO Interference pattern was slightly visible


Performed the Double Slit Experiment

Using a cheap lazer pointer and insulating tape Learnt about Dual Nature of Light


My Attempt at building an Arduino CubeSat

3D printed frame Got CW telemetry working witha 433MHz RF transmitter & receiver


Built an Ultrasonic Standing Wave 'Levitator'

Followed an instructable article to and ripped apart couple of ultrasonic modules to build a mini levitator thingie Learnt about Standing Waves Small pieces of paper/styrofoam could be held in air at specific nodes of standing waves


Assembled my first 3D printer [Ender 3]

Since then I have learnt a lot about the tech behind 3D printing and assembled a whole bunch of other printers


Got an Arduino UNO

Learnt about IoT, embeded circuits, electronics Built random fun projects with the UNO and various Modules Built cool stuff with the power of LEGO and Arduino. (I still have the LEGO Mindstorms RCX kit)


Built a LEGO line follower and modified gears to speed it up

Learnt about gear ratios and IR


Made HTML tutorials

School had HTML and CSS in our curriculum so I made video tutorials and uploaded them on youtube for my friends to learn from 😆


Participated in a Cubing Competition for the first time

Got an average time around 40 seconds and personal best 34 seconds Met Akash Rupela, former Indian record holder for fastest 3x3 solve 😳


Learnt my first programming language - QBASIC

Good ol’ days For refrence: http://tedfelix.com/qbasic/


Got interested into Science and made videos on youtube

Homemade Litmus paper and indicator solution Theory behind how LIGO detects gravitational waves and more in the following years 🤩